What type of fonts are listed under "Free Font Download"?
We have handpicked each font found in this section. Fonts in this section are believed to be Freewares or Sharewares and have been verified through reliable sources. These fonts are free for personal use. However for commercial use, please contact the font authors to get more information on the terms of use. All fonts in this section can be downloaded for free from FontsLog.com. Any fonts downloaded from FontsLog.com should be used under your own discretion. We cannot be held liable for any loss or damage occurring due to use of typefaces from our website. If you doubt the license type of any free fonts available at FontsLog.com, please contact the font author for more information.
What type of fonts are listed under "Review Section"?
This section contains font previews from unverified sources. We are not fully aware of the license type of the fonts listed in this section. Therefore all fonts in this section are assumed to be of commercial type in nature and are not available for free download. Typeface preview listed here is for preview purpose only and if you need to download a commercial typefaces, please contact the font authors or foundry directly. If you believe that the typeface in question is a Freeware or a Shareware, please click the Review button for the admin to review the typeface on an individual basis. If we find a license file stating that the typeface in question is a Freeware or Shareware, we will upload it for free download.
What is a "Download Box"?
Download box works more like a bookmark for fonts. Its a feature provided by FontsLog to separate you favourite fonts for later review or download. All fonts are stored in a cookie file by default. Registered users can store their selection in database, therefore making it available at any computer connected to the Internet.